Category Archives: Git

How to set up Console2 to use bash

If you prefer to use bash over cmd, you can set up a bash tab in Console2 by going to Edit > Settings > Tabs, clicking the Add button, and setting the shell option to the location of your bash executable followed by the -l parameter (or –login). You can set the title to whatever you like, change the background color, etc.

Now, if you added the Console2 context menu entries that I described in my previous post, you might also like to change into the current directory when you invoke it from the context menu. Depending on what version of bash you have, you might need to put the following at the end of your .bashrc file in your home directory:

# Change to current directory when invoking from Windows Explorer context menu
cd -

I found that this step was not necessary if I used the version of bash that comes with Git (located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\bash.exe on my system). However, it was necessary if I used the version that comes with cygwin (C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe). Using the latter, the home directory used by bash was actually located at C:\cygwin\home\dave. This will (obviously) be different on your system.

EDIT 4/14/2015: It appears that Console2 is currently dormant. One alternative I’ve found is ConsoleZ, which is a fork of Console2. You can find it here:

Then, use this script to create context menu entries:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Open ConsoleZ here"
@="C:\\Users\\Dave\\AppData\\Local\\ConsoleZ\\Console.exe -d \"%V\""
@="Open ConsoleZ here"
@="C:\\Users\\Dave\\AppData\\Local\\ConsoleZ\\Console.exe -d \"%V\""

Update the path as appropriate.

How to add “Open with Git Bash” and “Open with Git GUI” context menu entries in Windows

This is a just a small distraction. I’m sort of a clean freak when it comes to Windows, so I usually opt not to install things like context menu entries when I’m trying a new program. Unfortunately, I opted not to install them for Git and realized later that I really wanted them. There doesn’t seem to be a way to correct this post-installation, so I did some research and figured out a little registry hack to accomplish the same thing:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Open with Git Bash"
@="\"wscript\" \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\Git Bash.vbs\" \"%1\""
@="Open with Git GUI"
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin\\wish.exe\" \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\libexec\\git-core\\git-gui\" \"--working-dir\" \"%1\""

Now, I can right click on a folder with a Git repository in it and open it instantly in Git Bash or Git GUI. Joy!

If you want to copy and paste the text above into a .reg file, make sure the encoding is set to UCS-2 Little Endian before you try to import it into the registry.

Quick ‘n’ dirty Git basics for beginners

Many independent developers may be unaware of the benefits of source control, which is primarily used in team settings. However, even if you don’t work in a team setting, source control can make your life a lot easier by expediting mundane tasks such as backing up and restoring files.

Git is quickly becoming my preferred method of source control. With a rudimentary understanding of shell commands, it’s really easy to set up a new repository or clone an existing repository to another computer.

To use Git, the first thing you’ll need to do is download and install Git. Depending on which hosting service you’re using, you may need to do some additional configuration. If you’re using GitHub, you can find the directions here. (Make sure you choose the correct platform at the top of the page! This threw me off for a long time.) Instead of GitHub, you can use Bitbucket, SourceForge, or any other hosting service that supports Git.

EDIT 7/27/2012: This article has been updated to reflect the latest Git and GitHub documentation.

How to set up a new repository

Step 1: Create a new remote repository

Here’s a screenshot of me creating a new remote repository on GitHub:

Creating a new remote repository on GitHub

I imagine this process is fairly similar on other hosting services.

Step 2: Set up a new local repository

Create a new local directory from Git Bash, Explorer, Finder, or whatever your shell of preference is. If you’re doing it from Git Bash, the command is:

mkdir HelloWorld

Next, open Git Bash (if you haven’t already), change into the directory you just created, and initialize a new local repository:

cd HelloWorld
git init

The git init command will create a .git directory inside of your local directory. Don’t touch it.

Step 3: Point your local repository to your remote repository

The following command will create a new remote under the alias “origin”:

git remote add origin

… where Octocat is your username, HelloWorld.git is your remote repository, and is your remote server. If you’re using Bitbucket or another hosting service, this will be different. It is not necessary to use the alias “origin” here, but you must specify an alias.

At this point, you can begin creating, editing, deleting, and renaming files in your local directory. New files will be un-tracked by your local repository until you add them.

Step 4: Add your files to your local repository

Once you have some files in your local directory, you can add them one at a time to your local repository in Git Bash like so:

git add

… where is the name of your file. You can also add all your files to your local repository at once:

git add -A

Once you’ve added your files to your local repository, they are being tracked. Your remote repository doesn’t know anything about them and won’t until you push the changes you’ve made. But, first, you have to commit (stage) your changes.

Step 5: Commit (stage) your changes

This step is fairly self-explanatory, but I’ll attempt to explain what a commit is. Before I started using source control, while I was working on a project, I would zip all of the files in my project regularly during development. If I ever needed to revert a file to a previous version, I would open up one of these zip archives, find the file I needed to revert, and copy its contents into the current working version of the file. A commit works sorta like one of these zip archives, except it only archives the changes you’ve made since the previous commit.

Another way of explaining what a commit is can be found in the GitHub documentation:

Think of a commit as a snapshot of your project — code, files, everything — at a particular point in time. After your first commit git will only save the files that have changed, thus saving space.

With that in mind, commit your changes in Git Bash like so:

git commit -m 'First commit'

The part in quotes is a comment, so make sure it accurately reflects the changes you made.

Step 6: Push your committed changes to your remote repository

At this point, your remote repository is still oblivious to your changes. You need to update it by pushing the commit you just created to it:

git push origin master

… where “origin” is the alias for your remote and “master” is the branch you are working in. You can create a different branch and push to it instead, but I won’t cover that in this article. Once your committed changes have been pushed to your remote repository, you or anybody else can view and download your files from GitHub or whatever hosting service you’re using.

Any time you make changes in your local repository, you’ll have to add your files again, commit (stage) your changes, and push your committed changes to your remote repository. Instead of adding and then committing your changes every time, you can do both steps at once:

git commit -a -m 'Made some changes'

… followed by the git push command. Keep in mind that this only works on files that have already been added and are being tracked by your local repository. New files must be added initially using the git add command.

Here’s another handy tip: You can set up your local repository to always use the “origin” alias and “master” branch like so:

git push -u origin master

After this, you can use the git push and git pull commands from this repository without typing the alias or the branch every time.

How to clone an existing repository

One of the most obvious benefits of source control is the ability to edit files on multiple computers and keep them all up to date. If you want to do this, then you’ll need to clone an existing repository.

As an example, here’s how to clone our existing repository from earlier:

git clone

Now, we have two local repositories on two separate computers, both pointing to the same remote repository. Again, any time you make changes in any of your local repositories, you’ll have to add your files again, commit (stage) your changes, and push your committed changes to your remote repository. Then, to update your other local repositories, you’ll have to pull any changes from your remote repository using this command:

git pull

There’s no need to type the alias or the branch here because the git clone command automatically sets up your local repository to always use the “origin” alias and “master” branch.


Hopefully, this article helps someone else get started using Git and away from using zip archives. For more on Git, please see Git Reference or the Pro Git Book.